Entries from August 2007 ↓
August 29th, 2007 — general frustration, pregnancy
I’m looking over an itemized list of charges for an afternoon spent stopping labor. I think a doctor spent less than three minutes in my room. Over four thousand dollars for a few tests, IV, a steroid shot, and terbutaline.
Something smells and I just changed the baby.
I’m waiting for a call back from billing on a couple of the more obscure, but extremely expensive charges.
August 29th, 2007 — girls

Two weeks old.
August 27th, 2007 — family life
- That was quite the storm that rolled through Moncks Corner at 2am. First we were joined by the dog, at the foot of the bed. A few thunderous crashes later, Aidan appeared, and shortly after that Mark joined us, too. So much for a king being plenty big enough.
- Stepdaughter has gone home to Minnesota, I look forward to getting into a routine again, but dread the tantrums associated with big change.
- I am so very thankful for my church. The dinners provided after Ellie’s birth are just one small aspect of how very generous the members are.
- The boys have discovered that I am less likely to intervene when I’m feeding the baby. This is causing a lot of irritation.
- Aidan begins “biolin” lessons next week. I’m excited to find someone who teaches the Suzuki method in the North Area, she’s very reasonable, too. Today we’re heading out to find a 1/10th violin, wish us luck.
- I love having friends and family willing to be seen in public with the traveling circus that is my life.
- Mark will be two on Sunday, wow.
August 24th, 2007 — general frustration
At some point yesterday I was putting away laundry. In one hand I had a pile of clothing belonging to the boys and in the other nearly every bra I own.
For the life of me I cannot find where I hid the second pile.
August 23rd, 2007 — family life, gender, girls, Uncategorized

Never in my life have I squealed over tiny pink things. Suddenly my house is overflowing with pink and I’m happy?

My aunt sent these and I can’t wait to put them on her.  I’m beginning to believe that the shot they gave me after delivering Ellie was not in fact pitocin but some curious infusion of girl germs.
August 21st, 2007 — neurosis
It’s the stuff of my childhood, gasping for breath and pouring sweat, unable to scream as I struggle toward consciousness. I’ve always been prone to nightmares, they peaked in late adolescence fading as I slowly trudged toward adulthood.
They have returned as my body downshifts from carrying a child and the hormonal nightmare wreaks havoc on my subconscious. Dark entities wait in my sleep. In the light of day, they are nothing more than an anecdotal “I had a bad dream.” But, in the witching hour they are a force to be reckoned with as I wait for dawn.
This too shall pass.
August 17th, 2007 — family life, girls
August 11th, 2007 — Meme Madness
It’s hot, I’m bored. I normally don’t do memes, but I visited Patrick’s Place and decided to play along with his Saturday Six.
1. What is your favorite flavor of chicken wings? How many do you generally order at a time?
“Hot” unless we’re at Wild Wings and then “Gold Rush” as an appetizer, I’ll split a basket (12) as a meal I split a sampler platter (25). I haven’t had wings in forever and am looking forward to tomorrow.
2. How often do you check out a restaurant’s nutrition information before going there to have dinner?
Never, going out is counted as a splurge, not a daily occurrence.
3. If you have ever done so, what was your biggest surprise in reading the calorie or fat counts?
4. Take the quiz: What does your pizza say about you?
The stereotype that best fits you is geek. You’re the type most likely to order pizza to avoid leaving your computer
::sigh:: even my pizza gives me away
5. What style of food do you think is generally served at what you’d consider the most romantic of restaurants?
Around here, the “maverick Southern” restaurants. We don’t get out often though.
6. What type of food would you be likely to sample first: food that is hot and spicy or food that is more mellow but has a richer taste?
It depends on the time of year, Spring and Summer spicy tends to fit the bill as it’s less heavy. Fall and Winter find me craving comforting, rich foods.
August 9th, 2007 — pregnancy
I would be abysmally pregnant the hottest summer in years.
To all the whiners. . . Just be glad you don’t have your own personal 8lb furnace installed.
Today will be the first time I’ve left the house in days and it’s only because I have to. The kids may develop scurvy if I don’t get some fresh food in the house. OK, it’s not that bad, but the fridge is looking pretty sad and we’re out of peanut butter for Pete’s sake. I dread crossing the parking lot and may actually take advantage of the “stork” parking* for the first time ever.
*I usually a park at the end of the row, so I don’t have to worry about car doors or other people waiting for my spot while I deal with car seats.
August 8th, 2007 — blogging, Home Ec 101
I think Ivy and I are doing well with Home Ec 101.  Last night we hit a milestone, not too shabby for five months.