Entries from April 2010 ↓

A Smile from Twitter Serendipity

I glanced at the new follow list: a ballet dancer, a priest, and a librarian. I knew there was a joke somewhere, but it was Notoriously Nice Mike who penned it.
A ballerina, a priest, and a librarian walked into a Tweetup. The ballerina said, “Twitter allows me and the other members of the dance company to schedule our practices”. The priest said, “It lets my parishioners contact me when they need comfort”. The librarian said, “It helps me find answers to our patron’s questions when I’m on the reference desk”. @AndyParas, who was sitting at the same table said, “Yes, but were any of you in a traffic accident on your way here?”

Thanks Mike!

Caught Playing Basketball in the Street

I’ve admired Peter Shankman for a long time and sharing the quote here is slightly out of context, but I had to share anyhow.

I think too many people go out there and try to […] build a blog as a way to a book deal and that doesn’t work. It’s like playing  basketball in the street and hoping to get picked up by the NBA.

BlogcastFM Peter Shankman Interview ~12:20 mark

In October I was struggling, trying to figure out what I was going to do, whether or not I was even going to keep the site going. I thought it was a scam at first and I know the book won’t be  a best seller. I have very realistic sales expectations; it’ll be friends, family, their friends and family, and a few other, wonderful people. The big deal is the ride and I love it; I’m enjoying every minute.

Well, the minutes I’m not scared to death.

Download Tweet for Blackberry via QR Code

Just use your code scanner in Blackberry messenger to reach the download page.

Easy peasy.

Thanks @noaheverett for the URL

Two for Tuesday, Easter Best