Entries from February 2010 ↓

Secret Projects

I’ve had to keep a big project under warps wraps for the last month. The last few days I was on the edge of my seat waiting for the word to let it go.
Over the past year I have been working on appearing more comfortable on camera and I owe Don D. Lewis a lot for all the help he has provided.
I have the pleasure of being part of BlissTV and my first appearance with other Arianne, Audrey, Danielle, and  Jo-Lynne was launched late Friday night. If you haven’t seen it, it’s on Home-Ec101.com. The best part, is I can actually watch it and not cringe every time I show up.
I can’t wait to work on future projects with Alli and Barbara.

Very Cool Tool

I tried out Prezi for my workshop on Saturday.

Lots of fun stuff, I’ll be tweaking it a little more to smooth out the transitions, but overall I think it is very cool.

For the Extended Family

A friend of mine video-ed the recording he made of my appearance on Lowcountry Live. I thought I’d share it here so extended family could get a giggle.

Thankful Thursday

  • I made the deadline with the book. I’m a 1/3rd of the way through and just shy of half of the expected word count. This was a huge one, if I hadn’t met it, I would have been in violation of my contract.
  • My editor is a joy to work with.
  • The final manuscript deadline is in four months. There is an end in sight.
  • There were no major mishaps during yesterday’s segment on Lowcountry Live. If you don’t know Jennet Alterman, the Executive Director of the Center for Women, you should.
  • The kids are all healthy.
  • I have today to pull the house back into order. I wonder what that says about me.

It’s Been Twenty Years

Since I have seen snow like this in Charleston.

I assure you, Ellie was only mad because we made her stop rolling around long enough to take a pic.

Of course we left all of the snow gear in Minnesota. Figures.

Notes from Blissdom Thursday am

Dan Barber

  • Don’t wing it, know what you want to say.
  • Message points are carefully prepared, concise and memorable
  • Aligned with your brand and objectives.
  • Define your agenda & focus
  • Tell your story,  memorably
  • Your message serves as a life raft
  • Keeps your message consistent.
  • Your messages are your brand.
  • Concise, simple and specific.
  • Memorable, genuine and personal.
  • Strategic – what do you want the audience to do with the message.
  • Be ready for well-prepared reporters
  • No such thing as off-the-record
  • Don’t speculate and never lie.
  • Is there anything else:
    I just want to emphasize my points 1,2, 3 – referred to as a bookending an interview
  • Don’t answer questions on behalf of someone else.
  • Flagging phrase
    verbal cue such as:
    What’s really important
    The real news is

Jessica Smith

  • Relationships matter
  • Media is not the enemy
  • Interviews can be unpredictable
  • Make sure your cause / agenda / focus is apparent / easy to find.

Truly excellent session; I could have used this a couple of years ago. Many thanks to both Jessica and Dan.