Sleep deprivation sets in

At some point yesterday I was putting away laundry.  In one hand I had a pile of clothing belonging to the boys and in the other nearly every bra I own.

For the life of me I cannot find where I hid the second pile.


#1 Linda on 08.24.07 at 3:10 pm

Look in the freezer. 🙂

#2 Connie on 08.24.07 at 4:20 pm

Have a friend come over to watch the kids. While the kids are being looked after, you go find your bras. First, look in your bed. Under the covers. Go on, get all the way under the covers to look for them. Now, as long as you’re there, take a nap. Your bras will still be missing when you wake up, but you’ll feel better. {{{{Heather}}}}

#3 Heather on 08.24.07 at 4:25 pm

Thanks Connie, that got a good chuckle. A nap is on the docket.

#4 Margo on 08.24.07 at 5:18 pm

Bras are over rated any way.

#5 Heidi @ Carolina Dreamz on 08.25.07 at 7:34 am

Look in your children’s sock drawers! I love the “look in the freezer” comment!

I agree with Margo.. very over rated. I’ve put one on, one day, since I returned from the hospital.. maybe this incision is too high and I’m afraid.. very afraid!


#6 Sonia on 08.25.07 at 11:37 am

Congrats on the new baby. She is beautiful!

#7 Home Ec 101 » Blog Archive » Smiley needs to buy new towels on 08.25.07 at 9:10 pm

[…] first scanned this in a state of sleep deprivation and misread Farmer Smiley’s order of operations.  I thought he toweled after the […]

#8 Jackie on 08.26.07 at 9:49 pm

Congratulations!!!!! I know having a girl was a real surprise. Kinda expect to hear “it’s a boy!” since that is the only announcement you have heard before! 🙂

Ellie is beautiful! 🙂 She does look like her Aunt Laura! I am partial to pink myself. I had to do a bit of reading to get ready for my first grandson!

Girls are great! As you know I had 3! 🙂 Now have 3 chosen sons.


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