Entries from August 2007 ↓

No more monkeys

jumping on the bed!


New tagline?

I think Aidan may have given me a new tagline for the blog:

You’re driving me cranky!


Last night, in an effort to convince this kid to move, my friend and I took our children to the mall.  My stepdaughter pushed my friend’s toddler in a stroller.  My friend carried her infant in a sling and my boys attempted to stage an interpretation of the Chaos Theory as we strolled along.

A middle aged couple kept pace for a while.  Before we parted ways, I overheard the woman say to the man, something to the effect of “all those teen moms.”

My friend and I are rather flattered, thank you.

Hanahan babies

According to the story we are told, the babysitter flaked out and that is why the mom had to lock her children in her car on a sweltering July afternoon.

After lying to her neighbor about where she was taking them.  What, her pride was so great she couldn’t beg this person?

After dismissing or never even considering the idea of leaving them alone with a few snacks and the tv on?  Yes, that would make her a really crappy parent, but I’d believe the desperation story a little more easily.

Maybe I’m sitting a little high on my horse, but from up here, things look uglier than I can articulate, Susan Smith ugly.