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I wish

I wish I could see the images in my son’s mind.  He is always asking what the new baby is doing.

  • Mom, is the new baby crying?
  • is the new baby sleeping in bed?
  • is the new baby reading a book?

I suppose he thinks my belly is fully furnished.

My life in 35seconds

Watch this

Oh how I loathe thee IE

I’m working on a new project for Home Ec 101. I spent hours fiddling with a joomla template yesterday, finally had everything fixed exactly how I wanted, except for one text thing, but I was ready to just let that go and live with dark grey vs black.

Then I asked my husband to load the page on his computer so I could verify that the grey text was tolerable. You see, my husband is one of those strange creatures that actually likes Internet Explorer. Here I was excited that I had been very productive with the day’s programming and in the five seconds it took to load all my little hopes were crushed. IE hates my page. The objects are all over the page and I’m furious.

Why is it I can tell Firefox and Safari that a cell should be 20 pixels wide and they will listen, but not Internet Explorer. Oh no, apparently telling IE that a cell should be 20 pixels wide is the same as saying it should be 50 or 100.

Today I’m going to unload all I’ve done and reload from scratch. Thankfully I don’t have to remake all of the objects.

I think this is why I didn’t major in computer programming.

I’d like to thank Jared for letting me pester him with the occasional question.

Public school

You ask why I don’t trust them?

5th Graders Accused of Sex in School 

I know there was a breakdown of supervision, but. . .


Lightning’s flashing, thunder’s crashing and suddenly the air smells clean again.

I’m breathing a sigh of relief as the world is washed clean.

Everything feels better after a shower.

Catching Up

  • It took me a lot longer to bounce back from being sick that I ever would have imagined.  Consequently my house is the special kind of wreck that can only be wrought by two boys 3 and under and two large dogs.  It’s slowly coming back together.
  • Tim has been working insanely long hours.
  • I am so sick and tired of reading about abortion.  I know it’s big news right now, but I really wish it wasn’t being brought to my attention every single day.  Normally it doesn’t bother me, but it can be hard to maintain an unbiased voice right now.
  • My in-laws are coming into town next week, it’ll be nice to see them again.
  • I did escape on Sunday for a couple of hours and take some pictures.
  • I have a ton of research to do for Home Ec 101.  I want to build searchable databases that are separate from the blog.

Happy laptop day

Dear Mr. (or Ms.) DHL Delivery Person:

According to my tracking information, you should be arriving here soon.  I already had to wait two weeks while my husband “researched” which machine would be “best.”  Then I had to wait until the right one appeared on e-bay in the correct price range and finally I had to wait for it to be shipped.

Do not let me down and for Pete’s sake do NOT leave it on my neighbor’s front porch as other delivery people and a certain little girl scout have done in the past.

Glued to the window,




I have loads more, but these are some of my favorites. My laptop should be arriving sometime this week, so I’ll be able to sit down and really tweak them. These are raw, except for resizing.

Vultures are circling

The MLS listing for our home expired almost a week ago. Since then our phone has been ringing nonstop. Lately I receive upwards of ten calls a day. I’m tired of explaining to agents that we will not be relisting at this time. So, I let the phone ring.

We have a strange phone that does not have an off switch for the ringer. I will look for this in the future, I never realized it was an “option.” I thought it was standard.

This wouldn’t be nearly so obnoxious if it weren’t for the fact I have an abysmal head cold. The vibration from the ringing phone is enough to send me to garage while I wait for the caller to give up. They don’t leave messages, so why should I answer in the first place?

Still Around

I have not fallen off the face of the earth. The kids are fine, the husband is fine.

I’m just working on something with Ivy.

There will be details soon.