Catching Up

  • It took me a lot longer to bounce back from being sick that I ever would have imagined.  Consequently my house is the special kind of wreck that can only be wrought by two boys 3 and under and two large dogs.  It’s slowly coming back together.
  • Tim has been working insanely long hours.
  • I am so sick and tired of reading about abortion.  I know it’s big news right now, but I really wish it wasn’t being brought to my attention every single day.  Normally it doesn’t bother me, but it can be hard to maintain an unbiased voice right now.
  • My in-laws are coming into town next week, it’ll be nice to see them again.
  • I did escape on Sunday for a couple of hours and take some pictures.
  • I have a ton of research to do for Home Ec 101.  I want to build searchable databases that are separate from the blog.


#1 jaz on 03.29.07 at 10:39 pm

One time I was really tired and busy and stressed and someone said, “Cheer up, things could be worse!”

So I cheered up… and sure enough, things got worse.

#2 Heather on 03.30.07 at 1:02 pm

Wow, it came across much more negatively than I meant. Things aren’t bad, just occasionally tiresome and that’s what’s been keeping me away from this blog. As soon as I get my photo software transferred to the laptop and a cardreader, I hope to remedy that.

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