

I have loads more, but these are some of my favorites. My laptop should be arriving sometime this week, so I’ll be able to sit down and really tweak them. These are raw, except for resizing.


#1 Frank & Lydia on 03.24.07 at 2:24 am

Very impressive captures…we are novice photographers and just bought a SLR camera trying to learn how to use it.
Do you have nay advice for us? Thanks.
Goose Creek couple…

#2 Margo on 03.24.07 at 12:19 pm

Love the depth on that clamshell!

#3 Chris on 03.25.07 at 1:07 am

Heather – what camera do you use? I’m thrilled with my Sony A100 DSLR… if only I could utilize half its potential…lol

#4 Shauna on 03.26.07 at 1:04 pm

I’m with Margo. The third one is just gorgeous.

#5 malia on 03.31.07 at 1:51 pm

They’re all gorgeous!!

#6 Photo Buffet on 04.12.07 at 6:05 pm

Your photos are wonderful. There’s something about driftwood or bare trees that pulls me in everytime. Keep up the good work!

p.s. Having grown up in a small town of around 5,200, I enjoy the flavor of your blog.

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