Entries from May 2008 ↓
May 26th, 2008 — Uncategorized
I belong to a group of mothers who focus on natural parenting. I fully admit to being a complete slacker and barely keeping up with the email, let alone making it out to the actual get togethers; for now I watch from the sidelines.
A week ago one of the members mentioned a young couple from Maine with a very sick baby. The couple arrived by bus and were living in a motel while the baby waited for his first surgery at MUSC. They planned on being in the area for only a few months. Over the last few days, I have watched this group of women spring into action. They have located affordable housing and procured many household goods, additional clothing, and food for this family in their time of trouble. It’s beautiful to behold and I’m proud to know the ladies who worked so hard to ease the burden of this family who are now planning on becoming permanent residents of the Lowcountry.
Rhoda, thank you for all of your efforts in bringing this group together.
May 25th, 2008 — Uncategorized
Aidan had his first recital Friday evening. In the manner typical of our family, while the evening ended up fine, the process was a royal pain in the rear.
After being reminded to remove Aidan’s violin from the car, Tim forgot and took it with him when he left for work. What followed was a 90 minute high stress adventure from Moncks Corner to Goose Creek, to Huger, to West Ashley.
We were late, but his teacher was kind enough to shuffle the program.
Remember, he’s four; the other children are six and seven or eight.
May 14th, 2008 — photography

I tightly cropped this picture to share the detail. Apparently we have baby mantises in our backyard. I love macrophotography because it forces me to tightly focus on the beauty by which I am surrounded.
I am often surprised by the possibilities in my own home. Lately I have noticed this is true of my life, as well. When I force myself to take stock of what I have available I am more likely to be satisfied.
May 11th, 2008 — children, family life
to my mom, Tim’s mom, and all the moms and women who have cared.

May 5th, 2008 — general frustration
Apparently Berkeley County Water and Sewer decided what the our household needed was a new water feature.

We did not approve of the idea.
Thankfully BCWAS will be repairing the damage.  This little mess caused over two hundred homes to be without water today.
Good times folks, good times.
Oh and if you are a neighbor of mine, we’re under a boil water advisory for the next 24 hours
May 2nd, 2008 — Uncategorized
Setting: The Moncks Corner Bi-Lo 4:30pm
Characters: Three preschoolers ranging from infant to four years, one cashier, one bagger, one mother attempting to keep said preschoolers from touching nearby racks of candy.
(There is a lone bottle of soy sauce and a reusable grocery bag to ring up)
Cashier: Is that all?
Heather: That’s it. (stage whispers) For the last time, no M&M’s we’re going home to make dinner.
Cashier: (Places reusable bag and soy sauce in a plastic bag)
Heather: (swiping debit) You really don’t have to bag those items, thank you.
Cashier: (blank stare)
Heather: (Somewhat embarrassed) It’s kind of the point of those bags; you know, to stop using the plastic ones.
Cashier: (blank, somewhat ruder stare, but removes the items from the plastic bag and places the soy sauce INSIDE the reusable bag)
Heather: Thank you, have a good evening. (Walks out of the store attempting to lug three kids and navigate a busy parking lot)