Just Doing My Part

Setting: The Moncks Corner Bi-Lo 4:30pm

Characters: Three preschoolers ranging from infant to four years, one cashier, one bagger, one mother attempting to keep said preschoolers from touching nearby racks of candy.

(There is a lone bottle of soy sauce and a reusable grocery bag to ring up)

Cashier: Is that all?

Heather: That’s it.  (stage whispers) For the last time, no M&M’s we’re going home to make dinner.

Cashier: (Places reusable bag and soy sauce in a plastic bag)

Heather: (swiping debit) You really don’t have to bag those items, thank you.

Cashier: (blank stare)

Heather: (Somewhat embarrassed) It’s kind of the point of those bags; you know, to stop using the plastic ones.

Cashier: (blank, somewhat ruder stare, but removes the items from the plastic bag and places the soy sauce INSIDE the reusable bag)

Heather: Thank you, have a good evening. (Walks out of the store attempting to lug three kids and navigate a busy parking lot)


#1 Angela on 05.02.08 at 9:56 am

heheh…I have had those same blank stares when I have brought my own bag in(which is very little because I always forget them) and they do not know what to do with them. The grocery store we go to most has dum-dums that they have in a container for the kids…I loose every time on those, “but, mom there free,” yeah can’t really argue with that:)

#2 Malia on 05.02.08 at 5:07 pm

Oh, I have a lot of trouble with the reusable bags at Kroger. But there is a specific reason why and so I try to be understanding and patient. It’s not always easy, though.

#3 candice on 05.02.08 at 9:59 pm

Omg! Don’t even get me started on the struggle to use cloth grocery bags! I have never in my life had so much trouble getting my point across. I have started to become down right bitchy to baggers and say, the photogs at the aquarium. That’s a whole other topic!

#4 Bramble on 05.03.08 at 9:31 am

heh you should see what they do when you pull hem out at walmart so they can’t use their magical spinny bag thingie.

#5 jaz on 05.03.08 at 7:01 pm

Ah, H, you broke the routine, asked someone to snap out of the mind-fog, and think about what was happening.

A very bad thing to do. We thrive on mind-fog and routines on this here planet.

#6 Carye on 05.06.08 at 6:38 pm

I’m so thankful that Ingles doesn’t give that kind of grief, if only in the reusable bag department. Our Ingles here actually provides bags to us at a very nominal cost. Granted, it’s mercenary but it is also an attempt at being green. I love reusable bags. I just wish the store would understand that the grapefruit and bananas do NOT go on top of the bread, no matter how hearty it looks.

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