Recital Time

Aidan had his first recital Friday evening. In the manner typical of our family, while the evening ended up fine, the process was a royal pain in the rear.

After being reminded to remove Aidan’s violin from the car, Tim forgot and took it with him when he left for work. What followed was a 90 minute high stress adventure from Moncks Corner to Goose Creek, to Huger, to West Ashley.

We were late, but his teacher was kind enough to shuffle the program.
Remember, he’s four; the other children are six and seven or eight.



#1 Margo on 05.26.08 at 5:00 pm

Music to my ears. 😉 He did a great job! Way to go Aidan!

#2 Bramble on 05.26.08 at 8:45 pm

Thanks for posting this, the battery died in my camera which was par for the course that evening! Erik wanted to see it so I’m glad you got it 🙂

#3 Stephanie on 05.28.08 at 1:17 am

OMG! I loved it! Aidan did so good! He makes me a proud auntie.:)

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