Greetings from Nashville

I’ve had a blast on this trip.  It’s been fun to visit with those I am close to, when our day to day lives have so much distance between us.

  • I finally got to meet Newscoma and I look forward to speaking with her in the future when my rugrats are not dominating the scene.
  • I have learned it just isn’t a trip until someone spews.  This year it is Mark.
  • I am critically behind in e-mail, but I’ve decided to just let that go until Wednesday.
  • I am dreading today’s five hour drive, but it could be ten.  Thank you Carye!
  • The kids are clingy.
  • I’m aggravated.
  • It is all worth it.


#1 boogiemum on 11.12.07 at 6:37 pm

Glad you had a good time, hope your drive home goes smooth :0)

#2 newscoma on 11.13.07 at 10:19 am

Hope you got home safely. I was thrilled to meet you. Steph says Howdy as well.

#3 Margo on 11.14.07 at 8:30 pm

Glad to have you back!

#4 Heather on 11.16.07 at 3:31 pm

Boogiemum – The drive wasn’t bad at all.

Newscoma – Steph is lovely. Have I told you she has my sister’s name?

Margo – It’s good to be back.

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