There are going to be a lot of Charlestonians looking like tourists over the next few days. By that I mean, fish belly white on one side and lobster red on the other. My whole family and I fall into that category, today. I don’t know why I didn’t think of sun block. It may have been due to the bickerfest that constitutes Saturday mornings around here. We haven’t quite figured it out but lately it’s been, “We have a whole day together, let’s ruin it right away! WHEEEEEEEE!” We’re considering replacing our alarm clock buzzer with “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble.” It’s never anything important, but that certainly doesn’t stop us.
We had a great time. The inbound traffic jam was probably a blessing in disguise, the baby was able to get a much needed nap.
I had a blast people watching, today. Parents, please don’t put your children in plastic flip flops if they are going to be walking a lot. I saw a lot of little blistered feet, poor kiddos. My stepdaughter thinks we are beyond cruel when we nix those on outings, but she survives.
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