To the man driving west on I-26

Look Mr. I-drive-a-silver-Prius-because-I-want-to-appear-as-though-I-care, maybe you should care enough about your little girl to buckle her into her seat.

And to the cop driving by oblivious to the girl bouncing all over the back seat, I hope you were on your way somewhere important.


#1 Paul Schaubhut on 08.07.08 at 3:26 pm

Someone ought to show him this:

Freeway crash badly injures two
Staff reports
Thursday, August 7, 2008

A crash on Interstate 26 in North Charleston sent two people to the hospital in critical condition early this morning, officials said.

North Charleston firefighters were dispatched to the wreck on the eastbound lanes between University Boulevard and the U.S. 52 Connector at 2:27 a.m., Fire Battalion Chief Eric Phillips said. Two people were ejected from vehicles and suffered potentially life-threatening injuries, Phillips said.

The Highway Patrol was investigating.

#2 candice on 08.08.08 at 9:43 am

Oh man! Can’t stand seeing kids out of their seat belts!

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