To a better day

This morning, I’m raising my coffe mug in hope of a better day. Not that anything was truly heinous about yesterday, but by the evening I was ready to cry. It took over two hours to cook a meal that should have been ready in about thirty minutes. No, the world won’t stop turning and yes, I’m very aware it’s nothing in the scheme of things, but it was frustrating just the same.

I do have good news.

#1 Sir Thousand Hands is potty trained! I think the final lightbulb went on, yesterday. He came to me when he had to go, instead of my having to ask. There were no accidents and I didn’t pester him about going. Who knew I would be so flipping excited over bodily functions.

#2 The baby is sleeping through the night!

#3 My husband will be starting day shift, forever, on January 16th. I am so excited about living like a normal family.

and finally
#4 Colcannon is absolutely some of the best comfort food I’ve ever had. I made it for the first time, last night and am adding it to the keep pile. If anyone is interested (Ivy).

1 lb potatoes, unpeeled
1 lb cabbage, shredded
1 onion, chopped
~ 3oz cheddar cheese (I used more) shredded & divided
1/4 cup milk
1tbsp butter
salt/pepper to taste

Boil the potatoes in lightly salted water until tender, but not mushy. Drain, reserving the water (use a slotted spoon) and set aside. Add the cabbage and onion to the reserved water and boil for about 5 minutes. While the cabbage is cooking peel and mash the potatoes with the butter and milk. Drain the cabbage/onion and add to the potatoes, salt and pepper, add 1/3 of the cheese. Stir.

Dump the mixture into a greased baking dish, top with remaining cheese and bake until the cheese is lightly brown and bubbly. There is no particular temp, whatever your other items are cooking at, is just fine (somewhere between 350 and 425).

It’s an excellent side dish for pork.


#1 Molly on 02.01.10 at 1:48 pm

We’re making Colcannon tonight but I’m using kale instead of cabbage. That is if it isn’t slimy already(its been in the fridge for over a week now). I do have cabbage if I have to use it. The recipe I’ve got calls for eggs to be broken into little dents in the potato mixture but I’m out of those completely.


#2 Chef Arturo Vargas on 12.29.11 at 7:34 pm

Thank You!! so much for sharing your recipe, I prepared this Colcannon recipe for a group of kids at The Food Bank Kitchen. cooking classes and it was a hit. I loved the texture and the flavors.. THANK YOU!! Happy Holidays!!
Chef Arturo Vargas
Moveable market and Nutrition Education Coordinator
Food Bank of Yolo County
1244 fortna avenue
Woodland, CA. 9577

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