Margo and I have been way overdue for some kid free time. We packed up our cameras and headed for the SCPG walk down King St. We met at the statue in Marion Square at 7am.
I learned a lot from the more experienced members about composition and just generally enjoyed the heck out of myself.
Here are some shots, I’ll be putting the edited versions at
It was so much fun!!
The pics look great, Heather. I’ll check your deviantart site later, too. My favorite so far is the brick wall.
Great shots here Heather, thanks for coming down to join in the fun! You can tell from the forums that your presence was very much enjoyed (she was the subjcet of a few compositions!)
Thanks, Jason… I’ve caught a severe case of camera lust.
Yeah, there’s some heavy hitters in that crowd. I’ve got a little of that lust myself. Hope you’re feeling better though, those stomach virii can be nasty.
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