I’m going to blame Duke

Apparently Duke’s blog problems are catching.

We’ll be leaving for Minnesota on Saturday. I’ll be doing the blog roundup tomorrow, so posting will be sparse for a while.

Oh, but I did find a very interesting paper on why phishing works, here. At the very least, read the introduction, it has some great information on web security.

I’d like to apologise to everyone I pelted with e-mails. I was bored, but I shouldn’t force everyone to share in my misery.


#1 Sunnie on 06.09.06 at 3:14 am

Well I didn’t get an email, but I can only imagine your misery knowing you’re going to Minnesota. I hope it’s not as bad as you think it will be. Tell Makala I said hi. And don’t forget to give her the dictionary. LOL

#2 Sonia on 06.12.06 at 4:05 pm

(sigh) I didn’t get pelted with emails…and I could have used a good pelting! 😛

#3 Anonymous on 06.13.06 at 4:49 pm

I missed an email or something saying Heather was going much less for how long. Anyone know?

#4 Heather on 06.19.06 at 10:44 am

Sorry I missed you. I’m home now. 🙂

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