Checking in Near Gatlinburg, TN

Liveblogging the trek.  All typos are courtsey of my stepdaughter who has been kind enough to type while I drive.

First Blood:

There is a long standing Smith family tradition, there shall be no trip without injury. 7:45

AM Mark fulfilled the prophect. Sixty-five miles from home and one more item is off our to do list.

We have yet to yield to the tempteion of Pixar. This trip should be sponsered by Johnson and

Johnson, and caffeine. (All type o’s courtesy of the step-dughter) 🙂 HI!!

Swamp Feet:

Second rest stop. 153 miles in. 9:30AM Much to my chagrin, the boys discovered a less famous

but no less pungent cousin to the Bog of Eternal Stench. Much to the delight of a passing youth

group, enthusiastic foot washing follows. Patience holding strong, no need for concern. The sarch

for Wi-Fi begins.

Just keep driving, Just keep driving:

I-26 North Carolina = road construction. Good times, a la stop and go trafic near

Hendersonville. Apparantly I-26 needs resurfacing again. As it does every summer. This may be the

first time I’ve navigated the gorge by daylight. Keeping an eye out for Bruce Wayne as we pass Bat

Cave, NC.

12:30 Chimney Rock Detour

We stopped to dip our toes in the Broad River, pictures will be posted this evening.  Mark added a few more minor abrasions to his

collection.  I may have to consult Ivy for stain removal advice after a semi truck crossed the

yellow line on Hwy 64.  Atlanta Bread Company’s wifi is a no go and the search continues.

2:30pm Strange Brew Internet Cafe

I sit here smelling patchouli and armed with a hot cappucino.  We’re about to head on to Knoxville.  The last rest area yielded another skinned knee.  This time Aidan has the badge of honor.  Just hanging in and hanging on.


#1 imabug on 08.11.08 at 2:59 pm

so i guess this means you won’t be making it to the meetup tomorrow then.

have a safe trip! i hope skinned knees turn out to be the worst of your problems 🙂

#2 Kathy on 08.11.08 at 4:26 pm

You guys were not supposed to continue that tradition!!! Do not go anywhere near the Grand Canyon for a long, long time. We need the child size plastic safety bubbles, or maybe the sumo wrestler costumes. But then you would need a larger transport vehicle. Glad you are sending out the updates.

#3 Connie on 08.11.08 at 9:54 pm

Glad you’re safe and relatively sound. Hope the trip is a blast for you all. I love the live-blogging. Good job, M!

#4 Stephanie on 08.12.08 at 12:09 am

I actually like road trips and miss taking our yearly jouneys north! Watching the landscape change by the hour, stopping in the shadiest of gas stations, and frog hopping with the truckers. Hope you make MN still sane!! Love ya!

#5 Bramble on 08.12.08 at 4:00 pm

u should swing through NH on the way back! (G,R&D!)

#6 Connie on 08.12.08 at 5:08 pm

And after NH, then FL. This could be the road trip of a lifetime! 😉

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