Entries Tagged 'children' ↓
December 13th, 2007 — children, local interest
If you’re in the tri-county area and have young kids. I can’t stress this enough, find Gahagan Park. We took the kids there a few days ago and it is by far the best park ever. Not only is it fenced with only one kid accessible exit (invaluable for those with escape artists) it is well designed with loads of bridges, swings, rope ladders, and places to hide.
I wish there had been a park like this back in my days of playing Hot Lava World.
November 12th, 2007 — blogger meet-up, children, general frustration, travel
I’ve had a blast on this trip. It’s been fun to visit with those I am close to, when our day to day lives have so much distance between us.
- I finally got to meet Newscoma and I look forward to speaking with her in the future when my rugrats are not dominating the scene.
- I have learned it just isn’t a trip until someone spews. This year it is Mark.
- I am critically behind in e-mail, but I’ve decided to just let that go until Wednesday.
- I am dreading today’s five hour drive, but it could be ten. Thank you Carye!
- The kids are clingy.
- I’m aggravated.
- It is all worth it.
October 7th, 2007 — children
And the rugrats. Excuse the oldest’s strange expression.
Thanks for the pic, Margo.

We all need haircuts, but who has the energy?
October 2nd, 2007 — children
You can stop looking. I found the worst toy ever.
No really, you may think the lowest of the low is plastic vomit or if you’re particularly sensitive a toy gun. How about toy brass knuckles under the name “three finger rings.” Yep, right on the discount aisle of Wal-mart*.
*Deal with it, I only had a few minutes and needed spinach and a birthday present. You do that at Bi-Lo and you’re giving a crappier gift than this poor kid is getting.
September 26th, 2007 — children, family life
The season of contagion has descended upon us once again.
Wash. your. hands.
September 10th, 2007 — allergies, children

Unlike certain other children I might mention, Ellie occasionally lets me sleep for more than an hour at a time. Last night I got, count them four consecutive hours of sleep.
I also found the source of my recent severe allergies, even with medication they’ve been worsening. I recently started wheezing even on benadryl and a nasal steroid. I’ve blackened my eyes rubbing them in my sleep. Months ago I reorganized our room and had the bright idea to place a bookshelf in the corner. I didn’t think it having it over the AC vent would matter as there were several inches of clearance. Last night as I was vacuuming I decided to be thorough and move the shelf.
Well, it mattered.
Apparently the cold air caused condensation on the carpet and I accidentally encouraged a mold farm in the room where I spend the most time. Each time the air conditioner kicked on, I was showered in spores of the one thing I’m most allergic to.
No wonder I’ve been sick so often. Thankfully we ordered the hardwood for our bedroom two months ago. We’ll Tim will be pulling the carpet and we’ll live with just the subfloor until it arrives in October. This will give us a chance to make sure it was only in the carpet and padding, so we can seal it if necessary.
Does anyone know if those duct cleaning services are worthwhile? I turned off the AC yesterday, but I might want to have them cleaned out before the heat is turned on in a few months.
September 2nd, 2007 — children, family life
Someone tell Ellie she needs to sleep tonight or I’m going to crack.
Well, the husband is back on night shift, just in time for Mark’s birthday. The kids are sleeping, pizza dough is in the bread machine, pizza sauce in the crock pot. There are steaks marinating for tonight. Soon I need to bake a cake or cupcakes, I’m not sure which one the little guy wants, I’ll quiz him when he wakes up.
Five years ago we were struggling to get pregnant, never dreaming our lives, our home, our hands, and our hearts would ever be so full.
August 4th, 2007 — children, pregnancy
Last night, in an effort to convince this kid to move, my friend and I took our children to the mall. My stepdaughter pushed my friend’s toddler in a stroller. My friend carried her infant in a sling and my boys attempted to stage an interpretation of the Chaos Theory as we strolled along.
A middle aged couple kept pace for a while. Before we parted ways, I overheard the woman say to the man, something to the effect of “all those teen moms.”
My friend and I are rather flattered, thank you.
June 25th, 2007 — children
Aidan was pestering my stepdaughter incessantly. After a lot of jabber on his part one particular exchange left me nearly in tears with laughter.
A: Does Jesus live in your heart?
M: mmhmm
A: Well, how’s he doing?
June 13th, 2007 — children
Maybe it’s just the summer sloth setting in or it could be that writing for Home Ec 101 and Lowcountry Blogs is sapping most of my energy.
It also could be that we haven’t done much of interest over the past few weeks. There is only so much I can write about the rug monkeys without feeling as though I, too, will keel over with boredom.
I want to know who decided it would be a good idea to let Mark try coffee? I don’t know who gave him his first sip, but now each morning I have the treat of ear rupturing shrieks for “COPPEE!!” until I relent and let him have a sip. It’s not sweet, it’s just your basic coffee with milk.
I’m on a mission to break this waking at the crack of dawn habit they’ve developed. We slipped up a few weeks ago and let bedtime slide a little late a few nights in a row. Since then, 5:30 rolls around and their eyes pop open. I’m usually awake, but that is my writing time and having a toddler climbing on your head, shrieking “COPPEE!” isn’t exactly conducive to creativity. I’m moving bedtime earlier by 15 minutes each night and reducing naptimes until we fix the problem.
Baby countdown: 7 or 8 weeks if my track record holds true.
Highlight for today:Â We’re going swimming
House update: We’re considering cork flooring for the master bedroom. Has anyone tried it? It installs like hardwood, but may be more environmentally friendly.