Errata and allergies


Unlike certain other children I might mention, Ellie occasionally lets me sleep for more than an hour at a time.  Last night I got, count them four consecutive hours of sleep.

I also found the source of my recent severe allergies, even with medication they’ve been worsening.  I recently started wheezing even on benadryl and a nasal steroid. I’ve blackened my eyes rubbing them in my sleep.  Months ago I reorganized our room and had the bright idea to place a bookshelf in the corner.  I didn’t think it having it over the AC vent would matter as there were several inches of clearance.  Last night as I was vacuuming I decided to be thorough and move the shelf.

Well, it mattered.

Apparently the cold air caused condensation on the carpet and I accidentally encouraged a mold farm in the room where I spend the most time.  Each time the air conditioner kicked on, I was showered in spores of the one thing I’m most allergic to.

No wonder I’ve been sick so often.  Thankfully we ordered the hardwood for our bedroom two months ago.  We’ll Tim will be pulling the carpet and we’ll live with just the subfloor until it arrives in October. This will give us a chance to make sure it was only in the carpet and padding, so we can seal it if necessary.

Does anyone know if those duct cleaning services are worthwhile?  I turned off the AC yesterday, but I might want to have them cleaned out before the heat is turned on in a few months.


#1 carrielouise on 09.10.07 at 8:15 pm

What a cutie! Glad you’re getting some sleep. It’s so hard those first couple months. As you know.

#2 peg on 09.10.07 at 10:45 pm

Worthwhile, yes. Possibly even necessary! Wish I could remember who we hired to do our house back in Charleston to recommend to you but I can’t. It made an immediate, tremendous difference. Good luck with that.

#3 Margo on 09.10.07 at 11:31 pm

I’m so glad it’s your house and not you! KWIM> 😉

#4 Tricia on 09.11.07 at 2:46 am

Duct cleaning is great! We have been staying with my in-laws since July and we had them done here. Boy did it ever make a difference for Alex. Ellie is too cute. Glad she is letting you get your rest. How are the boys liking the new addition?

#5 Heather on 09.11.07 at 11:43 am

The boys run hot and cold with her, but that’s to be expected. We’re definitely in an adjustment phase and that is wearing.

Tricia was that your mom that commented about Ellie looking like Laura? She’s the only one I could think of who could read this who would know. (Other than my mom who would just tell me rather than commenting.)

Thanks for the duct cleaning info, I’m going to start pricing it and checking out the local companies.

#6 newscoma on 09.11.07 at 1:13 pm

Mold is a huge factor at our house and we’ve had to clean the ducts quite a bit. But here, they are cutting the crops and that’s lending to my source of nasal misery.

#7 Tricia on 09.11.07 at 7:02 pm

My Mom may have said that. I did share the news that you and Mark added a daughter to your family! Hope that was okay!? I know I sent her this site when I did that. Do you know how to smock? My mom makes smocked bonnets!!!

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