Rattle rattle crash boom bang

My car is dying.  It has well over one hundred fifty thousand miles on it, but it’s still depressing.  It’s not a two hundred dollar rattle I’m hearing, it’s a four thousand dollar engine knock.

I had to pull over six times on the way home from my mom’s yesterday.

We’re going to replace the engine, the rest of the car is fine and it’s the most cost effective choice.  I would love to have something more gas efficient, but with three car seats for the next however many years, it’s not in the cars.  I swear they are going to keep kids in car seats until they can get their permits.  What a pain in the butt.

On a very good note, I found my wedding ring.  It had been missing for about six months after a certain grubby child swiped it off the bathroom counter while I was in the shower.  Said child must have crawled into my bed to play with it where it fell behind the mattresses and into the crevice between the carpet and the wall.


#1 Angela on 09.13.07 at 2:00 am

I hear ya on the car problems…yours was not quite that bad, but still not fun:(

#2 Heidi @ Carolina Dreamz on 09.15.07 at 10:55 pm

I’m sorry to hear about your car. I recently got an overpriced loan to buy my own vehicle off lease. It added a few thousands dollars to an already overpriced situation, but I felt that my alternate options were to buy someone else’s used vehicle and not know how well they did or did not maintain it. So it cost much more, but if I can keep someone else from totaling it, it will serve us well for a long time, still!

I just noticed, that my tax bill, to B County is so much lower now. I guess the value has decreased drastically in the last six year. That is okay with me to pay less, but I don’t feel the value of my vehicle is any less than the first day I bought it. I can’t replace it for what its worth to us. Ugh ugh to the way it goes.

I’m glad you found your ring. Interesting what we can decipher, as parents, that the little angels do when we turn our backs… let them keep thinking we have eyes behind our heads.. *hug*

#3 Rachel on 09.18.07 at 10:05 pm

Joel just found his ring, too – he lost it at work, but a coworker held onto it until they had another shift together.

#4 RaskLewswal on 04.09.13 at 11:14 pm

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