
Today, I’m taking the boys to the beach, it’s all a part of my plan. They love the beach, but it wears them out. I’ll be keeping them up a little late, too. You see, this sick puppy, is driving unassisted to Nashville. Tomorrow, we’ll be leaving at o’dark thirty (4:30ish). The husband has strict orders to work on his car and I am tempted to take the router(?) so he can’t waste time playing World of Warcrap. (I used to like it… really.)

I’m not a socialite, but after the local blogger meet-up this week and the Nashville blogger meet and BBQ to follow, I’ll feel like one.

Yes, the camera, charger, and extra memory card are packed.

Husband has all the parts for the mustang on order and is 99% sure he can get the car all but tuned this weekend. That will be acceptable.

The other day he casually mentioned something about converting my Jeep to diesel so it could run biodiesel. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Bad Bad Ivy, ready or not, here I come.


#1 ~Bird~ on 05.18.06 at 4:28 pm

Man I miss the South. O’dark thirty is the only acceptable time to leave on a road trip, and up here … well, they all look at me like I have two heads.

Have an awesome road trip. When you’re heading up I-75 and split off to the west on I-24, give a little wave to the east towards Ooltewah for me. 🙂

#2 Ivy, the Great and Powerful on 05.18.06 at 6:14 pm

I can’t wait til you get here, we’re going to have a BLAST!

#3 Paul on 05.19.06 at 2:25 am

I love road trips. Stay safe and enjoy yourself !

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