Birthday Boy

Yes, yes I know we lick cake batter at great peril, but birthdays only come once a year.



 “Happy Day” little man.  Happy Day.


#1 Alison on 09.04.07 at 12:59 am

Taejan says Happy Birthday and welcome to 2!!!

#2 Margo on 09.04.07 at 1:38 am

Happy, Happy day sweet Marky… big 2 year old!

#3 Pat on 09.04.07 at 1:49 am

Your babies are precious, chocolate cake batter and all!

#4 boogiemum on 09.06.07 at 10:54 am

Ahhh, Happy Birthday. I would totally let him lick the chocolate too! (if for nothing else, the cute pictures it is sure to produce!)

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