I try to learn something new each day. Of course, with all the information at our fingertips, it’s virtually impossible for me to make it through a day without stumbling on something. I was browsing through some science articles over on Yahoo and found this Knoxville Zoo Opens Naked Mole-Rat Exhibit. I figured it would be good for a snicker.
I wasn’t aware that any mammals lived eusocially, meaning only the “queen” reproduces, much like an ant colony.
Ivy, I don’t suppose you are up for driving to Knoxville.
Is there a zoo in Nashville?
Yes, we have a zoo here in Nashville. It’s a nice zoo I think. I’ve never been to the one in Knoxville, so I can’t compare.
I wonder if Kim Possible is making an appearance?;)
The Nashville Zoo is nice. Just a little overpriced and small. But we’re getting giraffes! Hope you remember me.
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