Entries from October 2009 ↓

Wordless Wednesday

The kids1

Picture Post

Just a few quick kid pics, before I forget.

Last week I took the kids and my pal Bran up to Chimney Rock. Great day and as all family trips go, it’s not complete until someone gets hurt.

The kidssmile pleaseEllieMarkAidanbump

Being Brave?

Well, it’s silly, but there is an open casting call for a cooking show. It’s today from 2 -4 and I’m going to go for it.

What the heck, right?

If I ask my readers at Home Ec 101 to be fearless in the kitchen, then I must follow my own advice, even if it means I’ll look like a stammering goofball in front of people.

Here goes!

Picture Time

Just some random fun.
Egg dimple


Now That the Kvetching is Out of the Way

Photo Credit: Rick Bucich

Photo Credit: Rick Bucich

I can note some of the good great things that happened last weekend.

contactsI am also learning that a pile of contact info is quite intimidating.

The Only Parts I Didn’t Like

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have noticed I’ve talked nonstop about the Type-A Mom conference for weeks now.

There are two things I need to bring up, and Kelby, I do not believe either of these actions reflected on the conference as a whole. These two incidents were simply bad choices made by individuals, who you’ll notice are not being called out by name.

#1 As a woman, speaking at conference focused on empowering women, do not ever point to a man in the room and suggest he knows how to code simply because he is in possession of a penis.

I about died. All I could think to do at that moment was to sputter to my tablemate, did she really just say, “There’s a man, ask him?”

#2 Never publicly question anyone about their stance on adult products, toys, marital aids, etc unless specifically invited to do so. I attended the conference as Heather Solos, founder of Home-Ec 101. None of my readership has any business knowing what happens in my bedroom. While I am “on duty” as a representative of the business I have worked hard to build, I would appreciate being treated as a professional. If this makes me sound like a prude, so be it. I have never sought the public’s opinion in that regard.

Public Speaking

Well, I think I’ve come a long way over the last few years.

Here’s a clip from last month’s Social Media 101 panel.