Thankful Thursday 4/19

As I work on getting myself out of the rut I have carved for myself, I need to refocus on the positive.

Today I am thankful for:

  • Internal nudges, bumps, and kicks that constantly bring reassurance.
  • For a husband who is willing to accompany me to events in which he has little interest, so that I can relax the “mom” vigilance a little and speak to other adults.
  • For cookouts on the lake.
  • For the sunset on Lake Moultrie last night.  The sky was a canvas and the fiery ball of the sun melted into the water.  I love the look of the world cast in the last rays of light.
  • For sunrise and exuberant birdsong, each day they remind me life goes on.
  • For my mother, I think we stand in a place where our relationship may finally bridge the divide.
  • For my boys who can occasionally make me laugh, even when I’m so frustrated I can’t see striaght.

I’d asked my three year old to put away a bag of diapers.  He claimed to be unable to find them, in response I snapped, “Use your eyes!”  he got down on all fours and pushed the package into my room with his face.  “You can carry that with your hands.”

“No Mama, I’m using my eyes.”  I can’t help but chuckle.

  • For friends who listen when I most need an ear.

Thank you, I’ve needed every bit of this.


#1 Margo on 04.19.07 at 5:31 pm

Looking forward to Friday. Nice weather?

#2 Heather on 04.19.07 at 5:39 pm

Park, not beach weather. Call me.

#3 Margo on 04.20.07 at 11:34 pm

Strawberry picking was the perfect choice, I’d say.

#4 Lo on 04.24.07 at 8:16 pm

You should submit that Aidan story to

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