Small Potatoes

In the big scheme of things these two things aren’t much. However, if you know me and I mean really know me, you’d understand.

Today I entered a photography contest and I contacted someone about attending a my highschool reunion.

Both open up the possibility of rejection. You see, I didn’t graduate in ’96, I skipped my junior year and graduated in ’95. However, everyone I grew up with will be attending the reunion this year and I’d like to attend.


#1 S~~ on 05.08.06 at 4:01 am

You go, girl — strong and proud!

#2 Pam on 05.09.06 at 4:10 pm

These are very big things – I’m (alot) older than you, and have never attended one of my high school reunions….and best of luck with the photography competition.

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