I don’t do this often, but I was contacted to review these fab diaper bags.  Of course, they wanted the review done over at Home Ec 101. So, why am I reviewing it at Moncks Corner Moments? Because I couldn’t stand to give up the bag in a giveaway. Seriously, most of y’all know me and the sad, faded black bag I have been lugging around for four and a half years. Pathetic, I know. I never found a bag that I could justify buying. Then again, I hadn’t seen these bags by Zosephine.
They are cute but not cutesie, trendy but not of the over the top I must replace it in six months variety. The bag is sturdy, the seams are strong with tight even stitching. The inside is vinyl, because we all know a sippie cup or worse are going to leak, at least once.
The internal compartments are well designed. There are places for sippies or bottles at either end and a zippered pocket for breast pads or sanitary pockets, so they don’t fall out on the floor the first time a sibling rifles through it.
Additionally, I have been searching for a laptop bag. It’s a perfect fit for my 15.4″ widescreen. Sweet.
*Completely unrelated side note: Ellie is chewing on my computer as I type. I wonder how many of her peers will say they cut their teeth on a laptop?
cute, me wantee!
If you were a REAL friend…
kidding. 😉
Send it to me, Ill swap ya something in the collection!
If I had a laptop, I’d being going rather ga-ga over that! (I can’t get excited about it as a diaper bag since I’m done birthin’ babies!)
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