Peeking In

Just a family and friends update to avoid worried emails and phone calls.

It’s been a long week with connection issues, teething, a growth spurt, and a new project on the side.

It’s taking a little time to adjust to the new routine, but we’ll manage as we always do.  Everyone is fine.

As far as the littlest monkey, she’s cutting her fourth tooth, cruising, clapping, and adding baby talk to her routine.  Tim needs to get out in the sun a little so she looks like a member of our family.  I slather her with sunscreen and she is still tanning.


#1 Margo on 06.06.08 at 9:20 pm

Define just what you mean by “fine”. I know as well as you do that you crazy people aren’t fine, but I’ll keep it under cover if that’s what you want. 😉

#2 Mama Grizzly on 06.06.08 at 9:20 pm

awww….. she is a little DOLL baby! Girls are just so so sweet!!

#3 Stephanie on 06.08.08 at 10:59 pm

Why is everyone’s eyes open at five in the mornng?!

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