Operation Strawberry By the Numbers


  • 2 adults
  • 5 kids
  • 6 buckets
  • 45lbs of strawberries
  • 40lbs of sugar
  • 10 boxes of pectin
  • 2 1/2 cups lemon juice


  • 3 cups strawberry salsa
  • 1 strawberry shortcake
  • 4 qts frozen strawberries (margaritas? Yes, please!)
  • 5 1/2 GALLONS of jam
  • 1 utterly destroyed kitchen
  • 1 exhausted Heather

Who wants toast?


#1 imabug on 04.26.08 at 1:55 pm

the 5 kids remained intact? no need to hose off strawberry stickiness afterward? 🙂

#2 Heidi @ Carolina Dreamz on 04.26.08 at 2:24 pm

Ohhh I miss doing this.. we should go pick.. then get ready for blueberries.. yum!

As my children are older now, I’d have more help.. why did it seem easier when I was too busy to breathe?

#3 brambledoula on 04.26.08 at 7:42 pm

Home Made bread toast? (ducking)

#4 Paul Schaubhut on 04.27.08 at 12:23 pm

Do you deliver?

#5 Margo on 04.27.08 at 4:45 pm

Well worth it! 🙂

#6 candice on 04.27.08 at 7:29 pm

I have been wanting to make my own jam. Sounds delish!

#7 Lowcountry Blogs » Sunday Surprise on 04.27.08 at 8:20 pm

[…] spent the better part of Friday involved in a massive production of strawberry jam.  Here’s a round up to make up for my […]

#8 Robert on 04.27.08 at 8:49 pm

Forty-five pounds of strawberries!!! You defintely deserve a few strawberry margaritas!

#9 Carye on 04.30.08 at 6:08 am

I’ve checked my mail repeatedly and I’ve yet to see anything resembling a jar of jam coming my way. This warrants a trip south. You realize that, don’t you?

#10 TulipGirl on 06.23.08 at 8:57 pm

45 gallons of strawberries!? Wow!

#11 Sandor on 07.13.08 at 2:28 pm

Becky and a friend of hers did this too (I guess I kind of helped, but not really)… I suspect we’ll be eating strawberry jam/jelly for QUITE some time.

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