Dear Server,
I’m a ten year veteran of the industry and have a few tips.
1) Learn to put on a game face. I don’t care how badly a party makes you cringe, do it on the inside or go back in the kitchen to express your disappointment. I had called ahead and warned of the unconfirmed headcount.  Your venue doesn’t accept reservations, so be glad you were forewarned of our arrival.
2) Separate checks are not the end of the world, if the party is a cooperative group. Learn to better gauge your customers before sulking. Those of us who have put in our time would like to empathize, but find it hard when we see a grown man sulking. Your restaurant operating system is cake to use and does the work for you. It’s hard to feel sorry for someone who doesn’t have to do it by hand.
3)It was a Sunday night, be glad you got a group willing to imbibe.
4) Finally, when gratuity is added to a large party, it is only polite to make mention of it. To not do so is borderline dishonest.
You may have merely had a rough night, but my advice to you is to learn to roll with the parties that land in your section. You will win some and you will lose. The tourist season is about to take off and if one party of 12 was disheartening, you have a long road ahead.
I really hopes this makes it Tommy Condon’s somehow. The server was very unprofessional indeed.
Hahaha, pissed about a party of 12. They should be glad they don’t work where Jim does, where they regularly take in parties of 25 or more.
Since I was still stuffed from a 4:30 friend’s birthday dinner, I didn’t order anything to eat so I missed the poor attitude delivered with the food.
I had my two Boddingtons, one at the bar and one at the table, and left a healthy tip.
Wish I had known he was anti-blogger.
Hope the conversation was better than the service!
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