Here’s to the New Year

Yet another year has flown past. I still don’t have a flying car or Rosie the Robot to clean my house. Even though we are now in the latter half of the first decade 200_ still feels like an imaginary year to me. I wonder how octogenerians feel.
Can you even imagine the changes that have taken place in their lives? Sometimes I feel as though I’m already no longer playing a part and am just an ego-centric observer. Who knows.

I am excited about this year. There are many small changes that should bring a lot of good to our little family. Tim and I are helping my sister dig out from under the mess that is her house. It’s a hard situation to explain and I’ll do it in another post. My husband is switching to permanent days. He is switching positions laterally, but it sets him up for possible promotion in the future. The best part is, he will now be working days. No more night shifts and very few twelve hour days. He will not have the long 4 day weekends, but he will be home on Sundays and we can finally have a dependable schedule. I’m hoping to join a ‘small group’ through church. Some of the groups do a lot of volunteer (Habitat for Humanity, for example) and I want to feel as though I’m a productive member of our community.

In May I will be taking the boys to Illinois to visit my father. If Ivy is up for company, I would love to stop in Nashville.


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