Healthy & Happy

Her boundaries are stretching every day. Her vocabulary is exploding and she’s racing to keep up with her brothers.






#1 Kathy on 03.17.09 at 10:46 am

Lovely pics and isn’t it great to watch it all? I remember Adam doing all of that, but he had no brothers or sisters… *sigh* but hey he has loads of cousins! Now, look at him, he will be 17 in May!! YIKES.. time do fly to fast!

#2 Tricia on 03.17.09 at 6:11 pm

I am glad to hear she is feeling better! I have been thinking of you and the family. Love the pictures. She sure has some of her brothers looks. Too cute.

#3 Lynn on 03.31.09 at 10:23 am

Omg she is so frigging cute!!!

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