They say life changes when you have children. It doesn’t and it does. I still look forward to having fun, but my idea of fun has certainly changed. Last night I made a batch of caramel popcorn and settled in for some blog surfing. The baby was in bed and Aidan and Tim were watching the Wallace and Gromit movie.
Thanks to whatever is blooming I had taken some off-brand-benadryl early in the evening. I couldn’t even finish my popcorn. I kissed my son goodnight. He made some protest about not being tired and I had to explain that he wasn’t going to bed, I was. Puzzled but mollified he went back to the movie.
The best part? I got the side of the bed I like. See, a certain spouse just doesn’t understand that the side is still mine, even though we switched the room around. I have tried to explain that the side of the bed is the important part, not the proximity to the door. He just doesn’t get it.
Ten hours of mostly uninterrupted sleep is a beautiful thing.
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