Do You Think?

Is it OK if I don’t like anyone, not even my own flesh and blood, at five-thirty in the morning?

I love the still, quiet of the house before anyone is awake.

I enjoy my daily stumble to the coffeemaker.

I like the fact that my husband leaves quickly.

Lately things have been different the sound of my eyelids opening seems to wake up the boys. Typing has been out of the question, not that it really matters, since I’ve been in a state of limbo, just waiting to hear about the job. I’m not sure what has been different with my husband, either. He used to scoot out the door at 5:30 on the dot. Now he sits and sometimes plays WoW until 6:15. I stand there and glare at him; I know he can feel it. Internally I selfishly chant, “It’s my time! Go to work!”

Today has been different. I was able to soothe the baby back to sleep; while I was doing so, Tim quietly left. The rain is falling, the fire is burning, my coffee is strong, and the house is quiet. Today will be good.


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