ConvergeSouth Decompression

The past few days have been great, on many levels. The break from my usual routine was needed. While I have geektastic friends in the Lowcountry blogosphere it was very freeing to spend four days submerged in an orgy of geek.

While most of my family will simply read this and say “Who?” I must brag that I had dinner with Robert Scoble twice. Thursday night, at a small Italian restaurant where I ordered poorly. I thought the menu said Chicken Parmesan, but when it arrived it was actually Chicken Parmebland, my mistake. (Yes, this is exactly why we’re having chicken parmesan tonight). Saturday night was sushi, gorgeous, tasty sushi. I regret not bringing my camera as it was a foodie’s dream.

I’m still processing the weekend, visiting new sites, confirming new connections, and catching up on work. It may be a day or two before I find all the pictures I want to share and link to all the great people I met.


#1 Chuck Boyd on 10.20.08 at 12:40 pm

I look forward to seeing pics/reading about the NC Geek Getaway but, meanwhile, I wanted to thank you (and Ivy) for suggesting vinegar instead of softener in the washer. Wow.

Now I’m back to cramming everything in at once instead of sitting towels aside because they lost absorbency due to the softener.

Welcome back.

#2 imabug on 10.20.08 at 10:42 pm

“orgy of geek”

haha 🙂

#3 Margo on 10.21.08 at 11:26 am

Happy for you! 🙂

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