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January 8th, 2011 — geekery, local interest, odd, photography
I usually take a very passive approach to composting, but this year the heap has gotten a little big.
So, I’m minding my own business, turning my compost pile when I find this:

So what is this other than the biggest grub I’ve ever seen? It has the legs of a palmetto bug, the face of who knows what. . . Did I stumble upon the baby Mothra of cicadas or what?
If I find things like this on a regular basis. . . I think I’ll go back to my lazy, passive composting ways and let those things nosh in peace.
It appears it might be a Herculean Beetle or a Rhinoceros Beetle which is actually kind of cool. Thanks Twitter!
May 8th, 2010 — dreams, Navel Gazing, neurosis, odd
Flashback to the summer of 1994, I went to pick up the schedule for my senior year only to discover the front office had it mis-filed. It wasn’t really their fault, I had skipped my junior year and with thousands of kids in a school, how high should our expectations be? After a stressful couple of hours everything was straightened out and I was placed in the right homeroom and given appropriate senior privileges.
Ever since then, before every major milestone I am plagued with dreams of having to go back and retake my senior year.
The end of the book is in sight, just a few more chapters and I’ll be working on rewrites and edits. Naturally I am spending my nights trying to find my locker, trying to make the kids behave as I take notes, and wondering why we look so old.
When I was a little girl, I used to think that becoming an adult meant the voice in my head would change. I must have read too many coming of age novels, where the phenomenon was stark, always a before and an after. I assumed the essence would change.
Sure the voice is a little wiser, can grok bigger concepts, and has a little more patience and courage, but the old one lurks just underneath.
December 23rd, 2008 — germs, neurosis, odd
I belong to a women’s group and at the close of each gathering there is an opportunity to state any prayer requests. The usual issues are brought up, someone is sick, somone needs clarity in a decision. In November of ’06 I requested that they pray that I might have more patience another child later, it dawned on me exactly what patience is and is not.
More recently, during my husband’s outage early in November I requested rest, a respite for our family as we had been busy and I was tired.
Were you aware that like chickenpox, mono can recur? Yep, if you’re one of the lucky few, it seems a virus or simply being rundown can bring it on.
Remember Waynes World?
I once thought I had mono for an entire year. It turns out I was just really bored.
It was something like that, but in reverse. I’d start to get the kids ready to leave the house and two hours later I’d give up in disgust. I thought I was struggling with depression or just turning incredibly lazy.
For a little while life was cut down to the musts: children must be fed 3x a day, they must be bathed, and that was just about it.
Today I’ll be heading back to the gym for the first time in well over a month.