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Five Years

September seventeen, for a girl I know it’s Mother’s Day ~ Tragically Hip

I first fell in love with the words of this song in my late teens.

We hoped and tried for eighteen months, turning to a fertility specialist. My first appointment involved bloodwork to check thyroid levels. That bloodwork also showed I was finally pregnant. We thanked the specialist for their quick and effective program. 

It was a tumultous pregnancy, first Tim was laid off when the silicon industry slowed. He found work as an electrician for Ameristeel. I worked for a nice restaurant, waiting tables and cooking. In June I began having complications and was hospitalized on July 1 for pre-term labor. I was 27 weeks pregnant, but the magnesium sulfate stopped my labor. Five years ago I joined the ranks of motherhood as my little man joined the world kicking and screaming.

Happy birthday little man.

Happy birthday.

Happy Mothers Day

to my mom, Tim’s mom, and all the moms and women who have cared.

Parent Hack: Swiffer?

Who can afford all those disposable cleaning products?

Not us.

Gratuitous Baby Shot

lkjuhb.jpg Because I must.

Only One Thing Could Make Her Cuter

and that would be if these weren’t taken at 5:30am.




Picture Day





Foggy Morning at My House

Most of the world is still sleeping.  While I know better, the dog insists he hasn’t been let out for days and if he doesn’t get out this moment, he will wake the whole house.

There is only drip, drip, drip of fog condensing on tree branches, muffled stillness, quiet rumble of a train rolling by.

I stand in the darkened driveway waiting, it is peaceful here.  Until it is shattered by the piercing whine of a two year old emanating from the house.

“Mo-om what are you dooooing?”

“Why are you taking so long?”

“I neeeeeed you.”

I sometimes wish the dog would take longer.

Happy New Year

I hope everyone’s celebration was safe and enjoyable.  We didn’t do anything other than gorge on bacon wrapped jalapenos.  Which I am and will be regretting for a while. They were worth it.

Yesterday was a landmark day for me.  Not only did I take all three kids out in public by myself, we went to several stores, and I took them to lunch at a sit down place where we managed to neither destroyed the premises nor run off the other customers.

It was a proud, proud day.  It was also absolutely beautiful so we soaked up some fresh air and sunshine at a park.

Strangely enough no one melted down immediately after an elderly lady complimented the boys’ manners.  I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Tree Cutting

This one is for the grandparents.

011-copy.jpg This way.

014-copy.jpg I can do it.

039.jpg I’m two. I don’t know why I’m pissed.

043.jpg Mom and Dad took too long looking for the lights.

I do leave the house

And occasionally I can be seen without pajamas.



The second photo was unapologetically stolen from Janet.

Does anyone else feel as though they are drowning in obligations, but still seem to only be running in place?