Can I Blame The Heat?

I know I opened the medicine cabinet.

What I don’t know is if I actually took the motrin or not.

I will know the answer in an hour or two.

It is nothing traumatic. It seems I have managed to torque my back, probably in aerobics. I’m considering paying a visit or twelve to the chiropractor. I am scared I will fall in love.


#1 Uncle Zoloft on 08.10.06 at 11:41 am

Just read, over at JustJared, that your husband is an electrician. We are sure as heck going to need a good one in the upcoming months; a plumber too! Send me an e-mail with y’alls biz info so I can put it on file in our renovation book.
Uncle Z

#2 S~~ on 08.11.06 at 12:12 am

I’m blaming the heat for EVERYTHING!

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