Well, with a rough start and a few misses, I think the Blognic was overall a success. I had a great time seeing some of our local bloggers. I am so sorry about those plates. I pulled into the garage and there they were… mocking me. Anyone who did not sample Mike’s spread missed out. Also, Jason can I have your recipe for gazpacho, I liked the dill. I normally take more of a garlic/pepper approach and yours was a nice change. Thanks to Eugene for taking so much of the initiative in putting this together. Once everyone figured out (SORRY!) where we were supposed to be, I think things went smoothly.
Thank you to:
Dan & Janet
Vera & Patrick
April + husband & daughter
Jason (We missed you Janet)
Margo & boys
Sunnie & crew (the nametags were so helpful!)
Also from the P&C Lucia and a photographer whose name completely slipped my memory.
If I forgot anyone, can we blame the heat and my children? Finally, thanks to my husband, who I hope will one day learn that glowering at people does not invite conversation.
For those who were out of town, how about meeting for happy hour sometime?
In conclusion
Dear County of Charleston:
You need a sign for JICP as you are leaving the city. I did not enjoy my little tour over the connector.
1 comment so far ↓
Looks like you guys all have a really nice time! I hope I can make the next one (hey – was Mike’s picnic basket as good as it sounded??? I hated missing that!).
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