Aidan’s Update

We made it through clear liquid diet and other pre-procedure fun on Wednesday just fine. I think I was more upset by the whole thing than Aidan. I was worried it would devolve into some horrendous experience that he’d tell other adults in a three year old’s convoluted way and I would have to explain, while the neurotic part of me would flip out waiting for them to call DSS and report all the horrible “going ons” at our house.

Joan was kind enough to stop by and say hello. Aidan mugged, squeaked, stomped around and pretended to be shy.

Eventually they got around to performing the endoscopy/colonoscopy and I was sent back to the room to wait. They underestimated the length of the procedure and left me to panic alone as an additional 15 or 20 minutes crawled by. Thankfully, I could see the head anesthesiologist wandering the halls, which I knew he would not be doing if there were a problem. Finally the doctor came by to tell me everything went fine. He said the colonoscopy looked pretty good and he got everything he needed. He also said that there were some abnormalities in his esophagus, but that it was probably damage from reflux.

So here I am with mixed emotions, mostly relief. I told three separate pediatricians that my infant screamed and held himself rigid for hours a day. “Oh, it’s just colic.” I’m a little angry, I was at the end of my rope with him as a baby and it turns out there were options if any of the three had considered he might have reflux. I know it’s in the past, but I was terrified he was autistic, now I know he was in pain.

We should have results from all of the testing at his follow-up.


#1 Home Ec 101 » Blog Archive » Baby post - edit me, Ivy- OK, said Ivy. on 04.13.07 at 2:16 am

[…] the restroom, answer the phone, cook a meal, or walk away before you pull your hair out. My son had colic undiagnosed reflux that left him screaming for hours every day. The only relief was his swing and yes, I wore him in […]

#2 Sleepy, Sleepy All the Time on 12.13.07 at 2:03 pm

[…] youngest will soon be four months old.  None of my children were bottlefed and the oldest had a wicked case of colic.  My husband works rotating shifts that keep him away from home for 14 hours a day.  The point?  […]

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