
Well, we are holed up in a Microtel in Madison, WI. After getting lost around Milwaukee*, it started to rain. The temperature dropped and the rain turned to sleet, followed by snow. Our speed dropped from 65 to a mere 15 miles an hour. Forty-five minutes later I called my husband and we decided a motel room is cheaper than getting towed out of the ditch.

We have 270 miles to go. We’ll get an early start and still salvage some of tomorrow. There will be much more when the kids are unconscious; driving leaves lots of time for the mind to wander.

Connie, I’ll call you when I get into town and we’ll make arrangements.

*I firmly believe some locals removed some of the detour signs. I tried to use the old “As long as I head Northwest I will eventually intersect my needed road.” Ha!
I did stumble upon a nice view of Lake Michigan. Lovely. I stopped at a gas station for directions and a nice lady directed me entirely in the wrong direction. I finally broke down and called my husband who used mapquest to guide me to I-94.


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