Entries from November 2006 ↓


I took Aidan to the fair and we did it right, the whole nine yards, from pizza to ponies. If it could be ridden, we rode it. If it needing eating, we ate it.

We topped off our night with a waffle and hot chocolate at Waffle House and the little man is down for the count.

I Need Distraction

Often it seems as though life is a powerful build up followed by an anti-climax. I’m still waiting for word from the potential employer. We’ve had our home on the market for a couple of months, which we expect. Yesterday, we had a caravan of realtors come through. Even with the boys and Tim being sick we managed to get the house into showing condition. Thursday morning I loaded them in the car, tried to make sure everything was perfect, and got out of Dodge for the “great big showing.” We came home to find twenty-four business cards scattered on the center island.

That’s it.

Did they like the house? Hate the house? What could we do? Is there a glaring reason we haven’t sold or is it just the market?

Lots of work and preparation and I have a little pile of cards.

I wandered around; I wasn’t quite sure what to do with myself. Today, I need a really good book or movie and I’d love to hear some suggestions. I’d like to lose myself in something wonderful.

Unofficially NaBloPoMo(ing)

Well, I missed the official start date, but that is fine. I still have not pinned down to whether or not I’ll have internet access on my next adventure.

I certainly haven’t got the time, this month, to dedicate to NaNoWriMo. It sounds like loads of fun and I might force myself into something similar in January or never.