Entries from September 2006 ↓
September 12th, 2006 — Uncategorized

Weeks? Maybe it’s been a month.
I’m sure everyone has had a point in life where just as soon as they believe they’ve gotten a firm hold of things, someone decides to prove otherwise.
We’re right in the middle of that cycle. Everything will be just fine, it’s just tiresome while it happens. Yesterday, the battery on the jeep died. It was seven years old, but happened suddenly. This morning the jeep had a flat. There’s a lot of construction in the neighborhood, so this isn’t really unexpected, either. It’s still obnoxious. Tim took my car, so I’m stuck home with the boys. Moments after Tim left, Mark started pulling on his ear and screaming. Thankfully, Tylenol seemed to help and that will have to do, until tomorrow.
I see a fun day ahead, I’m just hoping for patience, scads of patience.
September 11th, 2006 — Uncategorized
Today, I’m glad we don’t watch television. I’m not ready. It’s one thing to hear it on the radio, but I am just not ready to see it again.
Five years ago I was in Organic Chemistry lab. My professor was Asian and although her English was typically perfect, in her excitement she was unintelligable. We didn’t understand what she said. She spent most of the lab out of the room, which wasn’t unusual.
I remember the building being nearly deserted that morning. I knew something was happening. As I had an afternoon class, I stayed on campus to save gas. I found a television tuned to the news in an empty classroom. I sat in stunned silence and watched the towers fall.
I don’t know when I’ll be ready to see it again. I don’t know if I ever will be. Today is not the day, for me.
God bless everyone this event touched.
September 11th, 2006 — Uncategorized
If you are looking for something heartwarming, take a quick peek here.
The Nashville Knucklehead took some time to reflect on his daughter.
September 10th, 2006 — Uncategorized

My oldest is headstrong, impatient, determined, and fiercely independent. I simply have no idea where he might have inherited these traits. We have had a terrible week, locked in a battle of wills. Yesterday, we spent the morning at Givhans-Ferry State Park.
On the way back to the car, he asked to hold my hand. He’ll be three next Sunday and that was the first time he has asked to hold my hand. He’s grabbed my friends’ hands, his friends’, random strangers’, and even his dad’s hand, but he’d never asked for mine.
It was such a nice change from the, “Go away, Mama,” I’d heard all week.
September 9th, 2006 — Uncategorized
So, I was perusing Shauna’s review of the FAO Schwartz Toy Catalog, having fun.
I saw the Lego life-sized Batman and the part that killed me was not the $27,000 price tag, but the $6.00 fee for wrapping.
September 9th, 2006 — Uncategorized
They say life changes when you have children. It doesn’t and it does. I still look forward to having fun, but my idea of fun has certainly changed. Last night I made a batch of caramel popcorn and settled in for some blog surfing. The baby was in bed and Aidan and Tim were watching the Wallace and Gromit movie.
Thanks to whatever is blooming I had taken some off-brand-benadryl early in the evening. I couldn’t even finish my popcorn. I kissed my son goodnight. He made some protest about not being tired and I had to explain that he wasn’t going to bed, I was. Puzzled but mollified he went back to the movie.
The best part? I got the side of the bed I like. See, a certain spouse just doesn’t understand that the side is still mine, even though we switched the room around. I have tried to explain that the side of the bed is the important part, not the proximity to the door. He just doesn’t get it.
Ten hours of mostly uninterrupted sleep is a beautiful thing.
September 9th, 2006 — Uncategorized
Kat Coble wrote a fantastic post,Jesus Compounded Daily. It was sparked by Lydia’s Where Credit is Due about the Family Christian Bookstore offering credit cards.
If you have a moment, be sure to check out the comments.
September 8th, 2006 — Uncategorized
Well, it’s past Labor Day and there hasn’t been a word.
Should we begin planning for the Blognic?
The only day that won’t work for me is the 17th.
September 8th, 2006 — Uncategorized
Q. Why did you delete all the old comments?
A. I didn’t, they are still there. I’m switching to the Haloscan tool for comments.
September 7th, 2006 — Uncategorized
Aunt B was lambasting one of her favorite targets, Kleinheider and made this comment:
You are a racist. It’s not surprising considering that if you’re white and American you have a 99.9% chance of being a racist. Look at me. I’m a racist. I don’t want to be a racist, obviously; I’d like to believe that I’m a good person and treat everyone equally until proven wrong.
This sparked a flurry of comments (109 at last count). I find it absurd that a very well educated woman with a love of literature would seemingly forget the importance of connotation vs denotation.
In the context above, the word racist pisses me off. The first images that come to mind are of the KKK, riots, lynching, etc. It is an inflammatory word which carries an ugly connotation, its very definition, albeit the second one, denotes action and not inner thought.
I will admit to being prejudiced. I firmly believe it is impossible to live without forming stereotypes. Is this the ideal way to live? No, but it seems to be innate to somewhat compartmentalize, just for simplicity.
I worked in food and beverage for ten years. In a Pavlovian fashion a person, whose income is tip dependent, will learn what to expect upon seeing a customer.* This does not imply that one cannot be surprised in either direction, just that basic parameters are set. In my mind a prejudiced person makes the assumption about the tip, while the racist person alters their service according to that prejudice.
Clearly, this is an argument about semantics. Had B said 99.9% of white Americans were prejudiced, I probably would have ignored the thread completely.
*For the record, the worst possible ‘tips’ were the “In lieu of tip I’ve decided to tell you about Jesus.” I must say this does not inspire Christ-like behavior or thought.