Elizabeth was born Wed at 5:29pm. 8lbs 5oz of dark haired wonder. She’s 20″ long and sweet as pie.
She looks just like her aunt Laura.
In transition
August 17th, 2007 | family life, girls
Elizabeth was born Wed at 5:29pm. 8lbs 5oz of dark haired wonder. She’s 20″ long and sweet as pie.
She looks just like her aunt Laura.
How did you wrestle her away from Tim long enough to take pictures? :-p
Congrats again, she is beautiful!
She is sooo cute…I can’t wait to meet her in person.
She is beautiful! Warm congratulations to you and Tim. How are the boys? I’m sure they’re loving having a baby sister.
Oh, Heather. She is absolutely stunning. Love to you and yours.
OHHHHHHHHHH Welcome sweet baby! Congrats momma and family! I’m so happy for you..

She is so beautiful! Heather, please give her a kiss for me. I can’t wait to meet her and hold her, and hug my boys. Miss you so much.
Congratulations, Heather and Tim. She’s just perfect.
She’s just gorgeous Heather! Btw, are you still a member of Mothers and More? I haven’t been to a meeting in forever, LOL
Congratulations Heather! Elizabeth is soooo beautiful! And she already has gorgeous hair to put little bows in.
Congratulations, Heather. She’s a beauty!
I can’t wait to get my hands on her again!! I am so going to just eat her up!!! Eeeeekkss!
My uterus just exploded.
What a cutie.
Congratulations! She’s darling.
How cute! Congratulations!
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