Presentation from Type-A Parent Conference

This is the visual portion of my Traffic Building Bootcamp from Type-A Parent Conference. I’m hoping to have the audio in the future. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them promptly.
Please note that this site is purposely not optimized for traffic. This is just my personal, little playground.


#1 Jenn @ Frugal Upstate on 06.27.11 at 6:33 am

Thanks for posting the presentation! I missed the very end of it, so glad to have the info here 🙂

#2 Heather on 06.27.11 at 6:39 am

How do I not remember you being in there? Wait, were you in the back with Lu?

#3 Melanie Nelson on 06.27.11 at 8:00 am

This looks like it was a fantastic presentation, Heather. You always share such great info. I’ll share this on the BB101 FB site to be sure some of my readers don’t miss this. Thanks!

#4 Calliope on 06.27.11 at 12:02 pm

SO thankful you shared this as I was not at the conference but heard lots of great things about your presentation.
(from SMM)

#5 Angela on 06.27.11 at 12:12 pm

Thanks for posting this! I missed your session and learned a thing or two just from this presentation. I am sharing with some of my newer readers who have begun their own blogs.

#6 Nikki on 06.27.11 at 1:25 pm

Thank you THANK YOU for posting this. I missed the very end and was having kittens over it! It was a pleasure meeting you and getting to know you. I learned so much from this session. I can’t wait to take what I learned to the next level.

#7 Fadra on 06.27.11 at 2:40 pm

Yay! I didn’t get to go to your session so I’m happy to see this!

#8 Christina on 06.27.11 at 3:01 pm

Thank you for posting this! The information you gave was amazing – even if you weren’t in my video 🙂
I need to purchase your book as well – I need some good Home Ec in my life! Thanks again! You rock!

#9 Lucretia Pruitt on 06.30.11 at 2:53 pm

Awesome presentation Heather and woot! Thanks for posting your slides!! 🙂

#10 Jendi on 07.24.11 at 7:29 pm

I missed your session too. Not sure what I was doing. I enjoyed looking through the presentation and am going to use some of the links. Thanks for sharing!

P.S. I love Prezi.

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