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May 6th, 2010 — Meh, Navel Gazing, neurosis
Well, I told myself I wasn’t going to whine too much. I lied.
There have been things in life people have told me would hurt and they did, but it was never as much as anyone said. Childbirth, yeah that sucked but not quite to the level people talked it up. The after pains post Ellie were miserable, but even then. . .
The tonsillectomy?
Great big painful buckets of crap.
The doctor told Tim that my tonsils were a lot bigger than they appeared during the first examination. When I’m brave enough to open my mouth and look in the mirror it’s gross and scary.
I can breathe through my nose better than I’ve been able to in years and I kind of hope after I’m all healed up that maybe I won’t snore (as much).
I haven’t had food since last Thursday night. I miss food. I think fondly of food, I daydream about cooking and eating.
Would I even think of taking a single bite of anything today, even six days later? Not on your life.
I’m managing to drink Ensure, but that’s as thick as I can handle and I’m sick of chicken and I’m sick of sweet. I don’t understand why I’m daydreaming about stuffing, but I am.
And grouchy? I’ve been taking crabby to new levels.
On the upside, today is the first day that the pain medicine does more than take the edge off. I have made progress on the book, not as much as I hoped, but progress is progress and as of today or tomorrow I should be done with the last of the drier subjects. There is a reason not many comedians make their living on dry wall repair.
I kind of have this fantasy that tonight, I’ll be able to actually lie down and sleep. I’ve spent the last few nights dozing through episodes of Bones. Why? Because it takes my mind off of dreading the next swallow.
The telling thing? I’d go through it again if it will prevent damage to my joints. Here’s to no more strep and to no more over-reactions to strep.
May 1st, 2010 — gratitude, Navel Gazing, running in circles
The past eight days have been amazing. Last Friday I had the incredible experience of flying to New Orleans, courtesy of Zatarains and Weber Shandwick. I had the most amazing time attending Jazz Fest and getting to experience some amazing New Orleans restaurants.
You can see the photos from my trip over on my Flickr stream, but here are a few anyhow. I know the white balance is off on the last, but you get the gist.
We had such an amazing time and I wish I could focus enough to give the experience the write up it deserves.

Tuesday I flew to NYC and back. I got to see the Gramercy Park Hotel, which if memory serves (and it probably doesn’t) was the setting for at least one story in Stephen King’s Everything’s Eventual. While waiting for the meeting I amused myself by working on the basic plumbing chapter of the book in their incredibly posh lobby. There’s something wonderfully ironic about sitting on a velvet couch, in front of a giant fireplace and Boterro painting and writing about plunging a toilet.
Maybe I’m just weird.
I also kicked myself repeatedly for not bringing my camera.
Is it silly to be proud of myself for learning how to hail a taxi? It’s never been a part of my world. Next time, I’ll try out the subway. I know, I’m sheltered.
I concluded my week of wonder by having my tonsils yanked out yesterday. It’s all about balance.
I’m hoping tomorrow I can back off the medicine enough to get back on track with the book. I’m more than halfway done and as soon as I can knock out these last few chapters on basic home repair I can start on my favorite topic, food.
April 10th, 2010 — gratitude, Navel Gazing
I’ve admired Peter Shankman for a long time and sharing the quote here is slightly out of context, but I had to share anyhow.
I think too many people go out there and try to […] build a blog as a way to a book deal and that doesn’t work. It’s like playing  basketball in the street and hoping to get picked up by the NBA.
BlogcastFM Peter Shankman Interview ~12:20 mark
In October I was struggling, trying to figure out what I was going to do, whether or not I was even going to keep the site going. I thought it was a scam at first and I know the book won’t be  a best seller. I have very realistic sales expectations; it’ll be friends, family, their friends and family, and a few other, wonderful people. The big deal is the ride and I love it; I’m enjoying every minute.
Well, the minutes I’m not scared to death.