Dave Moulton tagged me and I read the post ten minutes after my last big post. That would have been a perfect number five, such is the nature of life. Write five unknown facts about yourself.
1. I play the trumpet. I used to play decently with a good range, but now I only break it out around Christmas or to show my stepdaughter something.
2. Things that should be simple often scare me into inaction. I know it’s perfectionism and I’m slowly getting a handle on it, but there are still times where I catch myself avoiding projects solely because they won’t come out right.
3. I wrecked my motorcycle the day I received my learner’s permit. I hit some sand rounding a corner and lost control. My helmet saved my face, if not my life. I had road rash over a good portion of my body and a very kind nurse secured some liquid cocaine to numb the area before they scrubbed the dirt away. I haven’t ridden since.
4. I tended bar when I was nineteen, here in the great state of SC.
5. I never know how to answer the question, “How many children do you have?” I always want to say 2.5, since my stepdaughter isn’t here all the time, but I know that will often grant me a blank stare. The “two and my husband has a daughter from a previous marriage” is way too long. So I usually sound like a loon.