31 was amazing.
There were low points. Can you say strep three times?
How about having the tonsils yanked?
There were amazing highs, flying to New York City and back in a day. Spending three days in New Orleans for Jazz Fest.
Nashville, Asheville, Minnesota, too.
Blissdom, TypeA, CREATESouth, I don’t know that I could have been any busier.
But I was.
In April of 2009, just after CREATESouth I told Dan Conover, that it would be the year of the book, but then Ivy hit bottom and took her leave. She’s 10 months clean and that is worth more than anything, but as her world crumbled. I set the book idea aside, I was just going to dig in and try to make Home Ec 101 work or find out if it was time to let go.
Just before I threw in the towel, I received an email, the one I thought was a scam, only it wasn’t.
Now the book is done, it’s all in my editor’s hands. All I can do is wait. I’ve closed the chapter on writing a book, as well as another year. I have no idea what’s in store, but I can’t wait to see.
How things can change and spiral into something we did not expect. Here hoping you a great 32!
Hope you had a happy day!!! Sorry, I’m terrible about remembering! I always peg you closer to the end of the month. Happy 32nd! 🙂
You did good momma! 🙂
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