My Life, Really?

The past eight days have been amazing. Last Friday I had the incredible experience of flying to New Orleans, courtesy of Zatarains and Weber Shandwick. I had the most amazing time attending Jazz Fest and getting to experience some amazing New Orleans restaurants.

You can see the photos from my trip over on my Flickr stream, but here are a few anyhow. I know the white balance is off on the last, but you get the gist.

We had such an amazing time and I wish I could focus enough to give the experience the write up it deserves.

Tuesday I flew to NYC and back. I got to see the Gramercy Park Hotel, which if memory serves (and it probably doesn’t) was the setting for at least one story in Stephen King’s Everything’s Eventual. While waiting for the meeting I amused myself by working on the basic plumbing chapter of the book in their incredibly posh lobby. There’s something wonderfully ironic about sitting on a velvet couch, in front of a giant fireplace and Boterro painting and writing about plunging a toilet.

Maybe I’m just weird.

I also kicked myself repeatedly for not bringing my camera.

Is it silly to be proud of myself for learning how to hail a taxi? It’s never been a part of my world. Next time, I’ll try out the subway. I know, I’m sheltered.

I concluded my week of wonder by having my tonsils yanked out yesterday. It’s all about balance.

I’m hoping tomorrow I can back off the medicine enough to get back on track with the book. I’m more than halfway done and as soon as I can knock out these last few chapters on basic home repair I can start on my favorite topic, food.

1 comment so far ↓

#1 Mike on 05.01.10 at 5:11 pm

Hailing a taxi was never my problem when I started going to the city. The challenge was getting on the subway without having to ask someone if it would stop where I wanted to go. 🙂

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